Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tips on how to deal with your spouse aggressive

Is your husband of men with aggressive Copyright ?? Here in this article some of the qualities that distinguish aggressive person, and then how to deal with printing.The beginning of an aggressive person characterized as follows:

• show a lack of interest when dealing with others.
• turbid mood motivated to the presence of a weak point at the opposite person who deals with him.
• uses a method of attack and raising the voice with the people who deal with them.
• defies happily and constantly stand against the truth.

• rejoice. If the speaker fails to point. And refuses to listen to the ideas of others.
As for how to deal with the person in such traits:
• Be a good listener him. You feel him to do so without talking.
• Do not address the subjects of his anger.
• Make sure to handle love with a smile on his face.
• in different threads between you Focus on the agreed and moved away from the points of contention as much as possible.


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