Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tips for girls before they fall in love

Tips for girls before they fall in love

Love is one of the exams pass out in your life, but differs from the rest of the exams that everyone may evade the exercise, everyone is accelerating to love without any prior preparation it, abound questions by girls about love, and how to fall into it, and the most appropriate time for it,But is every girl ask themselves. If you were eligible for this love? And how they work to get it in order not to fall in a bad choice and rush, which may be a reason for feeling remorse throughout her life? In the following lines, the solution to that problem for you to open up broad prospects love to see another concept was absent from you, so as a new window through which to overlook your emotions and how to budget in order to avoid taking a failure in love.

- The girl does not know in a lot of times if what you feel is the true love that will live forever or is it just love transient full emotional desires no more, Girls usually fall in love gap rapidly as a result of the lack of emotional gratification, resorting to satisfy it by searching for loving. Which expresses her words of love and compassion,Often the girl begin to search for love from the age of "14 years", as suffering during this period of turmoil in the identity and look for proof of the same, whether in love or study or talent, it is important to prove that it is a phenomenon in society and beloved, we find some of the girls may resorted to this kind of emotional love, and deflects behind it to prove identity,As we can see others happy words of praise and spinning, due in a lot of times to loss their touch of parental caring and containment fraternal tenderness emanating from the mother, which detract from their own emotion, resorts to compensate from the outside, and there are girls although because they are within the family range loving and full of feelings abundant,However, they are drifting behind blind imitation, and jealous of their friends stories. their having a lover, the girl seeks to be like them to show for herself that it does not lack anything like them and the same, and this of the most dangerous things, some girls weak souls. Resort to telling stories And lies The highlights in the vicinity of girlfriends.
- But what the girls should pay attention it. That true love has the conditions and does not come in vain, but you deserve. Always looking to it and keep it in your life, as you learn how to pick it love, it will not come only put some important foundations that help you in your life in order not to fall in the wrong illusions of love, and the most important of these principles:
- Self-realization:
Achieved yourself by reaching for your goals and your ambitions in your life that you want to the future, they are the basis of your identity and your character pillars that will support your confidence and you are independent personality.
- Select age-appropriate:
Before thinking in to experience love, live your age level, and to postpone the decision to love after you reach the age of majority, in order to Being enjoyed all stages of your age, not wearing a dress emotional maturity and you are still small it.
-  Do not Rush into love:
Rush into love to get emotional gratification may sign you into a well of remorse and failure in love as a result of a bad choice. Before that draws your feelings of love you have to go easy in order to improve choice.
- balancing the mind and heart:
The balance between the mind and heart in the feelings of love, do not let emotion control you. Be canceled your thinking, which in turn will take you and guide you to know right from wrong, and you evaluate things with your mind first before you routed to your heart.
- Honesty with yourself:
Being honest with yourself before you fall in love, and wondered: Is this love sincere. Or just a love of tradition and placebo or to hear the words of love and spinning. Satisfy the ego and emotions? If you believe with yourself. You will then know what you want from that love.
- Maintaining your values:
Do not let drift behind Love cancel your values and your principles and your morals that you arose them, even the man does not care is not seen the girl started insulting her dignity and reputation out of love. But would prefer a girl who sticks to customs and morals and values, whatever the temptations of love in front of him.
-  Put the foundations for your partner:
You have to put your specifications for the man of your dreams, as embodied the image in your mind of its shape and emotions, you should put your foundation sound morals and his commitment to his work and his knowledge, man sincere hard in his life is committed to morality and full of morality and true manhood to be able to create a secure future for himself and his family.


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