Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How do you deal with embarrassing questions kids?

How do you deal with embarrassing questions kids?

Sex education often a topic talked about specialists in various fields; such as education, health and other disciplines involved in this matter, and still a lot of parents are showing some concern and reservation on the possible impact of such talk of exciting curiosity in children, or what is old appropriate to begin to explain such facts for children, and who should provide this information,And also how to explain, so as to achieve the main objective; it is raising children on the scientific basis of the values and the correct concepts, and also help to protect them from exposure to any form of harassment and sexual assault, which has become a major concern in the lives of parents and associations concerned with child and family affairs.Today we will explain how to deal with children embarrassing questions, and also when parents must start engaging with these things.

- Appropriate age to start in the application of such programs varies from one community to another, and should the mother begin to accustom the child first, and an early age to respect Members intimate privacy; so as not to commit certain acts unintended; such as: allowing a child to take a bath with his parents, or bathing with brothers,Whatever their age, and at first it is important that the mother begins to train herself on the answers of documented scientific sources, and be age-appropriate for the child in the early years, when he starts to ask questions, so be prepared not collapsed child, or lie; in an attempt to cover their sense of shame or the fear of knowledge.
- Who is can be done to provide such information to the child? Sometimes pre-school age, find the mother is not ready for it, a family member will be more capable of delivering information, and must take into account that the information provided for the child to be simple, easy to clarify the nature of some graphics,It can be one of the relatives, such as Aunt or maternal aunt, more capable than the mother, and here must be that the mother shared with her in such a dialogue with the child, then the role of the teacher or parameter in the delivery of information is part of a school activity, and are far from the excitement of style, or minimize the importance of answering all the questions of children, according to mental age.
- It was essential to explain how the transmission of disease sexual, are to make the teenager benefit from the information presented; to protect himself from the risk of venturing into the exposure to such dangerous practices, taking into account the strong influence of the model which affect the child in various stages of growth, usually young people respond to the model example more than one response for parents, and who represents authority of the teenager in this age critical stage.
- It is important to recognize what the child from information obtained from any source, and figure out how to correct this erroneous information in a non-repellent to a child, and without punishing him for the wrong concepts, with the repetition of the correct information in several ways; even accommodate its.
- Ideally, that parents participate together in clarifying information for the child, especially in the early stages of childhood, and the respect of certain sensitive topics for adolescents, it is better to have one parent (the mother with the girls, or the father with the boys) to clarify and explain these issues are neutral and scientific manner, without any «personifying» of the situation on the teenager, as it should stop for a while and re-question for any queries to the teenager.
* Advice
Sex education is an important basis for building the capabilities and concepts of the individual in society about the foundations of social and marital life, thus achieving an individual and therefore the family, stability, and is a «joint training on life skills» for everyone, male and female, in any human society


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