Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hopelessness between men and women

Hopelessness between men and women
As usual Councils women are full of talk about the men, while the men councils speaks of complexions and tricks for women,Men community have gotten used to talk about women in one way or another, especially if exceeded forty years of age, the sense may not giving. For being tired emotionally and physically  and entry female danger represented by the "postmenopausal",
Men always repeating that they are still at the top of their giving and they can enjoy more than women even if over the age of fifty-not hinder them by age or strength.One of the most exciting issues of sensitivity and cramping when addressed. Menopause in men, in other words, "the decline of intimacy", and the lack of tender, and it is considered a measure inevitable no matter how hard everyone is denied or not to talk about it, is there really a so-called menopause in men?and here The most important differences in men and women.

- Beginning. Menopause in women is a real well-known case is not ashamed of them, but probably shy away from talking about them, and the most important signs of menopause. Menopause in women, making it easier for the man to discover it, maybe it starts clicking psychological and calibration without regard to their sense,And perhaps marry another woman claiming to have become empty emotionally, but who do not know the man to postmenopausal in women is a natural product; because of the psychological and family pressure and problems, thus accelerating to enter this stage, but if she lived in the reality of myself good and balanced probably continued contribution far so what after the age of fifty and probably carried.
- While the situation is different for men, as it becomes a reality has more after the fiftieth where turbidity temperament. He feels refraction, especially in front of his wife, and live in a state of depression, tension and volatile in the mood, and the reasons for this case back to the following:
* The denial of the fact that this stage of old always through stubbornness.
* If the fear of calibration less his tender looking for the other to prove his presence.
* The absence of culture. The man is heading for not drafting topic socially.
* Follow the men of bad habits that the deterioration of their health, including: drinking, smoking, high stress, eating certain types of treatment, the use of the treatment is not prescribed by his doctor, follow a bad diet, lack of exercise, psychological problems and nerve pressure.
- Menopausal symptoms:
Most men live this stage. Although varied degrees of symptoms from one to another, but they agree in the most important symptoms that begin by apathy and a feeling of disappointment and fatigue and weakness of desire, in addition to an increase in pain in the back, as well as bouts of anger unwarranted, so the man may begin to attachment to the air with ropes and take defensive positions for himself, opted to contest the emotional experiences such as those experienced by the young in years, and seeks to repair the spoiled forever the wrong way, and may be significant harm him in the future, Especially stage the age of fifty, which does not believe in a family and social consequences, as the man escape from this fact, the wrong way. Disrupting the psychological and behavioral balance to him, so he must complete faith that force whatever will tend in one day for the weakness, but the physical and mental health, and food preservation will keep him as long as possible in the safe green zone circle, and turns away as possible from the drugs.


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