Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The most important tips to deal with the waster husband .

Some couples proceed to spend the money without justification or non-essentials, resulting in a lack of in-house budget at the expense of what is necessary, if your husband wasteful way you these tips to deal with him

- discussion method:
So that you discuss your monthly budget with a provision for monthly spending moderate. So that this does not affect spending on future expenses and work items for each of the food, clothing and expenses boys.
- Try to take care of the affairs of your spouse and each other to talk together as the savings from salary and advises him not to waste and be a dialogue in which a kind of affection and understanding. Not in the fray, so you accept this speech with an open mind.
- Try to discuss with him the idea to engage in projects according to his wish and any of the fields is preferred, both commercial, industrial, real estate and tell him it is a profitable idea if we each month we saved a certain amount of salary and be a plus for the core of our needs and we work a profitable project.
- When you discuss with him all these things should be in your hand book so write down the inside of cash salary and the amount spent on basic needs and what is remaining and so on.
- It is possible to convince your spouse to save cash amount from each month of the monthly salary and assembled so that a large amount and is opened by a deposit in the bank for a year, for example, and take the revenue that comes out of them is exchange him to the principal amount remains the same and will not be withdrawn only if necessary it.
- It is possible to say that you have to save the amount of the monthly salary and that every month until retirement age, you have a large amount of work you can do a project or open a deposit believe in your life.


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