The first emotional experience is the key luck for many women, if they had experienced what the experience is successful or failed, the reaction to be either two women looking for a new relationship. To forget the first relationship, or to remain aloof from entering into a new experience, possibly due to one of the following reasons:
-First of all, women may tend to show a lack of interest to the other party. Because she does not feel as attractive to her, so instead of wounding others. Direct rejected. You must tend to show that the extent of the difference for the other person to explain the rejection indirectly.As well as the wrong time for the emergence of the new relationship. As women need enough time to get rid of the effects of a previous romantic relationship or to regroup and regain their self-confidence again, or perhaps because they are not interested in love at the time.
- One of the reasons also is that women have been kind of feelings towards the person and also be impressed by the other party, but the fear of rejection and lack of confidence in herself makes her retreat from continuing in this admiration and finish it before it starts.
-Of the reasons for not entering into a new relationship is different beliefs and views, whether political or religious, for example, or the difference in the simple things favored by each party. These differences are not specific, but is determined by the two parties tendencies and beliefs.
-It is also the form of the body and the way clothes coordination of important things in the first meeting, which may contribute to the rejection or acceptance, the appearance of the body and how to deal have a significant factor in determining the decision by the other party.
There are also personal attributes make us refuse to enter into a new romantic relationship, for example, excessive jealousy or chatter, and others.
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