The man always wants to see certain qualities in his partner make it distinctive and renewed their relationship and also a balanced relationship. But some women ignore these qualities amid concerns of everyday life. Leading to to chill the relationship between them and perhaps secession.
That every man has a different style of its own specific recipes coexist with it, for every woman to know her husband to a personal style and focus on what he loves to become a renewed and happy her marital life.and here The most important qualities of the beloved men in women:
-Attention: if the details of his day care and necessary, and care about their appearance and personal cleanliness, and her house all the time.
-Respect:The woman respect husband during their conversation do not raise their voices or cut his speech, and to respect him in his decisions not argue with him a lot.
-Be his mother and a sister and a daughter sweetheart.
-Tenderness: in every man a child is in need of permanent containment, always work to cater to his needs and desires and bitch about negative emotions resulting from any problem.
-Every man has the cache inside it, rational nature of man. Silent during subjected to any pressure or negative exciting. Do not ask him at the time and provoke his silence being a close and will only talk after the time on his own.Even talked about something,Do not reveal his secret Or argue in it.
-Be supportive of him and you always feel his confidence and his strong self-confidence.
-The man accurate and practical if you want that understands Do not intrusive in the small details in any discussion.
-Be renewed always with him. So he does not feel bored.
-Be receptive to him close to him and feel him safe and quiet.
-Stay away from the urgency and the large number of requests at once, and be patient.
-Do not ask about the details, because most men do not like to talk about the details of the topics and satisfied by giving an outline only, if the subject was simple. Do not insist on knowing the details.
-A kind face and smile: the smile itself is a passport to the hearts of others to you, let alone your life partner? Make sure not to dissociation smile your face whatever happens.
-Reply with «Yes»: Of course not all the time you have to answer to «Yes», but the fact that most men want to hear this phrase first response to any request or question, and then discuss later on the subject, so be smart and answer this sentence in the beginning, even your spouse feel satisfied then discussed with him and then try to access what you would like to use a beautiful way.
-Not to tamper with his own objects: from papers and files and related work, arranged for him. Without something to throw them in the trash before you ask him.
-You are always welcomed him at the door when he returns from work with some good words to say as well as during the morning going to work, that would make him feel appreciated and you love him.
-Voice soft and low: Do not raise your voice to shout always get irritated with your husband it is a big part of your femininity. General men. Is not inclined to women with a higher sound.
-Innovative food and cuisine: There is no doubt that the way to a man's heart stomach is an inescapable fact. Make sure always to innovate cuisine appetite for your husband and your family.
-Prayer and worship together: the highest moments that bring you with your husband is to go to worship together will give it the tranquility of a large and tranquility on your relationship.
-Fun surprises: surprise him, for example, typing the word «I love you» By lipstick on the bathroom mirror to see him in the morning or send romantic message his phone a work.
-Finally decorate his Take care of yourself and your appearance is always inside and outside the home. Also Take care of personal hygiene and cleanliness of your children and your home.
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